In the Series name field, type " Duration" or any other name of your choosing.The Edit Series window opens and you do the following:.Click the Add button to select more data ( Duration) you want to plot in the Gantt chart.And you need to add Duration there as well. As you can see in the screenshot below, Start Date is already added under Legend Entries (Series). Right-click anywhere within the chart area and choose Select Data from the context menu.Now you need to add one more series to your Excel Gantt chart-to-be. But I think the above approach is better because Microsoft Excel will add one data series to the chart automatically, and in this way save you some time. Some other Gantt Chart tutorials you can find on the web recommend creating an empty bar chart first and then populating it with data as explained in the next step. the number of days required to complete the tasks. List each task is a separate row and structure your project plan by including the Start date, End date and Duration, i.e.

You start by entering your project's data in an Excel spreadsheet. We will be using Excel 2010 for this Gantt chart example, but you can simulate Gantt diagrams in any version of Excel 2013 through Excel 365 in the same way. Please follow the below steps closely and you will make a simple Gantt chart in under 3 minutes. However, you can quickly create a Gantt chart in Excel by using the bar graph functionality and a bit of formatting. Regrettably, Microsoft Excel does not have a built-in Gantt chart template as an option. A Gantt chart illustrates the breakdown structure of the project by showing the start and finish dates as well as various relationships between project activities, and in this way helps you track the tasks against their scheduled time or predefined milestones.

A Gantt diagram in Excel represents projects or tasks in the form of cascading horizontal bar charts. The Gantt chart bears a name of Henry Gantt, American mechanical engineer and management consultant who invented this chart as early as in 1910s.