How to make a word curved in flexi 12
How to make a word curved in flexi 12

How to make a word curved in flexi 12

Treatment for kyphosis depends on the type of kyphosis and the severity of the curve.

  • Congenital kyphosis: This occurs when the spine does not develop properly before birth, causing kyphosis at birth.
  • A common example is osteoporosis, which causes the bones to lose density and become weaker.
  • Age-related kyphosis: This type of kyphosis causes a curve in the spine that progressively gets worse in older age, often as a result of conditions that affect the bones in the spine.
  • How to make a word curved in flexi 12

    Doctors do not know what causes this form of kyphosis. However, it can become more severe than postural kyphosis.

  • Scheuermann’s kyphosis: This also tends to develop during adolescence.
  • This can also occur in older adults, due to decreased muscle strength. Slouching increases the forward curvature, stretching the extensor muscles and posterior ligaments of the spine, which weaken over time. It often starts in adolescence, when the muscles surrounding the spine develop differently due to a postural imbalance, such as slouching.
  • Postural kyphosis: This is the most common form of kyphosis.
  • How to make a word curved in flexi 12

    The factors that contribute to kyphosis vary depending on the type someone has. It also means the spine is vulnerable to damage. This structure allows the spine to be supportive and flexible. The spine is made up of bones known as vertebrae that stack on top of each other.

    How to make a word curved in flexi 12