If you have the content installed but it's still missing, you may need to restart your game. This content will be missing from your download if you don't have it installed to your computer. Sims and lots uploaded to the Gallery may contain custom or exclusive content. Why are things missing from the Sim or house I downloaded from the Gallery? If you’re trying to place a house or lot, you can’t place anything bigger than your current lot size. Make your selection and click Replace Lot. A box will appear that lets you choose between a furnished or unfurnished lot.Click the tick icon in the bottom right to confirm your placement.Now choose where you wish to place the lot in the world.

Choose the lot you wish to place and select the Place Lot icon.Open the Gallery by pressing F4, or selecting the Gallery icon at the top of the screen.Click Place Room/Lot in the bottom right-hand corner to add it to your lot.Įntire Lots can also be added from Manage Worlds.Find the Lot or Room you want to add to your game and click on it.Rooms can only be added when you have the Lot open, following the steps below. Click Place Household to merge them with your Household instantly.Find a Sim or Household under the Gallery or My Library tab.Click Place Household in the bottom right corner.Save the household or Sim to My Library.

Click the Gallery button in the upper-right corner.Sims can be downloaded from the Gallery in two places: Create A Sim or Live Mode. Click on the Cloud icon in the bottom-left corner to upload your content to the Gallery.Open the Gallery, and go to the My Library tab.Save your household, lot, or room by clicking the Save button folder in the top-right corner.